The chill of wind swallows me, sending white hot fear stringing down my back. I hear them, taunting me with cat calls as If I was a lost dog. I hit the ground running spiraling out of the way of tree branches and stumps. I take a fall and his shadow comes over me.
"Please," I beg. "Please don't do this." I clench my ribs, shattered from when he hit me with his car. In the blue-ish light of the moon, I can see him smile, ripping me up by my hair and placing the cold metal of the blade beneath my chin.
He digs the knife deeper into my neck making me inhale sharply. He lowers his lips to mine, pressing in a small kiss before whispering, "Deaths a one way trip, Zayne. Bon Boyage."
But for some reason, Zayne's death isn't as permanate as it was supposed to be. It all begins when Zayne wakes up with a start, six years after she was murdered.All Rights Reserved