Just a collection of poems that I'll be writing :)
Most of them will be written in the burning of midnight oil;
Perhaps with a microwaved cup of yestermorning's coffee in hand,
To the rhythm of tiptoeing raindrops upon our sheetmetal roof.
That's usually when my emotions and thoughts are the loudest. There's not likely to be a great deal of consistency in terms of mood, as I generally write on a whim, but there is a great chance many of them will be more towards the down end as I sort through the near oppressive feelings that often arise.
Let me guys know what you like too :) what you want to see more of, and I encourage you to challenge me on topics for poetry; be it using new/certain words (I love new words!!), forms, picture prompts, a phrase, songs, abstract or concrete ideas, concepts, anything you can pull out of your hat 😁
It can even be random, goofy, theological, philosophical, historical (to get me doing some research perhaps?).
I love to learn and try to view things from new perspectives!