Hi, I'm the Dark Flame. Or, that's what NY calls me. I'm Shredders right hand gal. But no one knows my real name. It's Lixa Lykin. I don't agree with Shredder or his evil plans and schemes but to protect my family and friends I must do whatever he says.
Over the years I've gathered my own weaknesses. Depression, anxiety, my split personality, schizophrenia, I've been mutated, and I lost a lot of people close to me.
I wanna live in peace one day. Just like my brother, Josh, does. So, let's see if we can in the end. All I know, is that I was evil, until I was sent on a mission. A mission to capture four turtles, a rat, and two humans. Seems easy, right? Well, not when they are mutant ninja turtles, a Sensei rat, a kunoichi, and a vigilante hockey player. And even worse when you fall in love.
Well, that's exactly what happened to me. I fell in love with the hot head himself, Raphael.
"I never betrayed you. I was never on your side."
"We trusted you. Gave you a home. A family."
"Yeah, but I already have one. Oh! And, Raphie, to let you know, I never ment any of the kind, encouraging, friendly words or speeches. They were lies. Same for all of you. Tootaloo~!"
"How could you!! We loved and cared for you!!"
Disclaimer: I don't own anything unless said so. Also, cussing, Bad puns, and deep stuff.