Remnant is a world where humanity has evolved to fight its worst enemies, the Grimm. Beasts that have no soul and therefore can produce no Aura. But what happens when Remnant discovers humans with no Aura? Pulled from our world into theirs, 5% of Earth's population finds themselves facing monsters and humans who see them as monsters. This is the story of their war. A war for survival, ethics,... and love. The main character? The most patriotic thing imaginable: a member of a tank platoon known as Cobra 22. Do they have what it takes to survive against the might of the Kingdoms? Or will the "humanoid Grimm" be purged forever? This takes place following Ruby's induction to Beacon. Therefore, the abominable misery known as Volume 3 DOES NOT HAPPEN. Disclaimer: This story was made in collaboration with my friend, Jeb Brown. All OCs in this story are his creation. He and I share equal rights to the plot. Neither of us own RWBY, or anything that pertains to said franchise. That's all property of Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum. God rest his soul.