19 parts Ongoing Multiverse is a Fantasy, Adventure, Action story about a girl named Sophie, who finds a mysterious stone on a school field trip for her research report, which allows her to travel to different dimensions and have her adventures with Digi, who is her guide. She must help others in other universes to fight evil. But will she succeed? Will this mission affect her normal life? Will there be problems? Find out by reading MULTIVERSE
[A/N: Disclaimer (MUST READ)]
"Multiverse is an original story of mine. While the overall narrative is mine, certain plot arcs and chapters contain fanfiction elements, designated with the symbol "FC" (Fanfiction Chapters). These fanfictions are in a way that Sophie's Adventure can be in existing works and are transformative, building upon the original stories with my creative twists and additions. I acknowledge the original creators' intellectual property and credit their work. In the fanfiction chapters, I will indicate my original characters, while all other characters are credited to their respective original creators. All other content, including characters, settings, and original storylines, remain the exclusive property of Mine. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Happy reading.
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