Have you ever feel that you are stupid enough for you to confess your love towards an arrogant, self-centered and a jerk of a kind husband? Have you felt that you predicted that nothing will go as plan in your dream? Well, a girl named Seo Joo Hyun felt all these type of feeling towards her husband, Wu Yi Fan, or Kris he prefered. It has been a few weeks that they both had a 'historic night' together after their 3rd time honeymoon. With a new challenges coming, Joo Hyun felt depressed by how her husband treat her in an 'unpropriate' way of a newly wed attitude. How will they both cope up with the new challenges? Not only just one, but 2 with a person that Joo Hyun used to know back in her childhood days. Will Kris change for the good, or decide to let Seohyun to overcome these obsticle by herself and not do what a husband should do? Will they re-unite as one? Or does Seohyun decides to leave how Kris is like after the confession and move on with life with a slip of a divorce paper? These answers will be answered in 'Who You Are To Me.' .................................................................................... Copyright © 2014 Pywrecktics All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means - by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior written permission.All Rights Reserved