From the day of Wammy's House being created to the very day that the greatest detective by the name of L had been created as a persona, Wammy's House, quartered in Winchester, England, has existed as the breeding ground of the world's brightest minds, but what happens when the world's greatest detective comes into contact with a series of paranormal investigations requiring his utmost attention? Neglectful, selfless, and distant from the human norms of urgency to the point where he seems to disregard the importance of the case altogether, Near must live up to the expectations of his predecessor and address an paranormal threat exceeding his understanding involving the use of the Death Note.
Using the experience of his mobilized investigation team from the leftover remains of the Specialized Provision for Kira and his power and influence, Near, L's successor, prepares to face backlash for a controversial case concerning cybersecurity and Japan's power as well as his minimal involvement in the killings of a resurfacing cause of genocide throughout the airwaves of Japan as reported by the network known as Sakura TV.
Will Near be able to succeed? Or will his status as a detective in the remnants of Light Yagami's New World be blemished by his failures?
We know L to be a detective with a stone-cold heart. This L is different. Growing up in Wammy's house, he had made 2 friends. One was a young girl called Y/n, who later became his girlfriend, and the other friend was called Nate River. Everything was going well. But will the Kira case change everything for them?
Rewrite- Completed