Zeus watches the exchange between the two soulmates, and feels a clench around his heart for he never had the chance to share his life so intimately with his love. Anger boils inside of the god and all rational thought leaves his mind. The god sees the potential future and the misery that comes with it if he makes this decision. Before thinking twice about the rash decision that lit up in his thoughts he gives the command. "It is today that all shall change. It is from here on out that every being will be brought into this world independently, born alone. For I, Zeus, declare that from this very day on, everyone will be separated from their soulmates and put into life in search for their true love. Humans are so destructive that they cannot even cherish the intimate gift that is love. For having their strength right at their sides made them too powerful, too self-assured. I'll let life decide their happiness now. I'll let Karma decide who finds their other half, and who remains alone."