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Have you ever felt so much emotional pain that you just wanted to end it all? Have you ever felt so much physical pain that you thought death was nearer than you had hoped for? Maybe you have felt one, but not both, or maybe you have felt both. These poems were written for those who have felt pain like no other.
You may be your own worst enemy, but you are also your own best friend. Sometimes, no one is there to help you get up off that floor, so it is up to you to help your own self. Once you find that you can take care of yourself, you can take care of and love others.
Humans need love to survive. If we didn't have love, we'd all be robots and simply not human. The love doesn't have to be from a significant other. Maybe it's from a best friend or close family member? Just know that we are all in this game of life together. So, let's live it with love.
I had entered the deepest depths of pain and agony. I had given up on my life. I tried to end my life, and I would have been successful. Three people saved me that day, at the end of 2017. First, was myself. I had to come to terms with who I was and turn it all back around. I had to lean on my Creator, who was my second life saver. Jesus came to my aid and saved my life after I tried to take it. The third person who saved me was my husband. Before we met I would have died, but he needed me just like I needed him. I am alive for him, for my two sons, for myself, and for my Heavenly Father.
"I couldn't make it stop,
Until I met my rock.
So, here are my words of wisdom,
"Pain reconciled by love" is my rhythm."
There is hope. There is a purpose to this life. Pain Reconciled by Love is full of heartache, but also full of beauty. I'm still alive because there is something for me out there. I hope this is the beginning to something beautiful. For you and for me.
self help book for everyone out there.....
1)cultivating positive thoughts
Your thoughts have a huge impacts on your well being. If you want to be in happy mood then you have to see everything from a positive perspective ,in order to find the true happiness in whatever you do. There are so many self care help tips to evolve your Personality,in life you will face a lot of tough situation, tangled ways of life and many more but your good mind set or mentality could be very useful for you to adapt a new skills and personality development.
If you allow your mind to stay out from negativity ,or to put all of your energy in doing something better then,
That will add some colour to your life.worrying will only maximise the mess of your mind .And truely i have felt that the patience is one of the most important quality in every human being. you can't be happy if you can't bear it with patience when something unusual happens to you. There are many ways through which we can actually developed a positve mind set, do you want to change for better? Let's open these chapters to add some positive vibes in your mood and to uplift ,
*be your own sunshine.
*analyse people around you .
*believe in the beauty of having patience .
*have clear visions .
*be bold enough to raise your voice.
and wise enough to shut it too(act according to situation) .
*who you are you know this, don't waste your energy in proving yourself.
Rather invest your time in evolving your career or dreams.
*your passion will always triggers your
Actions .
*choose wisely whom with you Wanna share your time .
*don't be dependent on another person for your
Happiness .
*your happiness is a your responsibility.
*Be kind to others will make you a
good human .
*your life is already very good be thankful .
*take charge of yourself .
*be accountable .
*be responsible for your own decisions .
*don't blame .
*be wise .