Deep underwater, where the light barely reaches, lives a young merman named Baekhyun. All he dreams of is the world beyond his reach, a world where people walk instead of swim. As often as possible the merman swims to the surface to see the amazing world he's missing.
Prince Chanyeol knows there is something in the water, something calling him, but his duties on land stop he from exploring the world unknown. Until one day, in a near-death experience, Chanyeol meet the one person he's been missing. The only problem is he doesn't know who it was.
Baekhyun lives under the cruel world of his evil stepmother and stepsisters. With both parents dead Baekhyun has to try and survive this cruel world alone.
Until the castle announces that there will be a festival in honour of crown prince Chanyeol. Baekhyun desperately wants to go but find himself stuck at home.
When in a magical puff of smoke his fairy godfather appears to send him to the ball.
Will Baekhyun find his happy ending?