Peter Parker, also known as Spiderman, has a serious problem. Finding himself without a date for senior prom, he turns to the Avengers for help, which results in an unexpected and hilarious solution. The Avengers help him and his date to get ready for prom, resulting in an evening of prepping, grooming, and sarcastic remarks. Join Peter on his perilous journey through all the stages of prom, and please, do not hesitate to laugh out loud.
WARNING: In order to prevent any awkward situations, please choose your reading area carefully, for this story may cause you to laugh out loud.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters etc. etc.
Peter has a secret he's Spider-Man well that and he has a crush on his best friend. Peter struggles between school and hero life and is loosing hope until you come crashing into his life. Life takes another unexpected turn with the arrival of a new superhero.