1st Grace Awards, 1st Winter Rose Awards 2019 (Summer) 2nd Nexus Easter 2019 Nominations Award.
What does 'tilting to the west' mean? It is the moment we cease to stand upright in who we are, even for a moment, a piece of ourselves for a day.. . a year . . . a lifetime. How? Perhaps a critical comment, gridlock on a life decision, an accident that shrouds you in mists of negativity, the ending of a relationship. No? It might be the death of a dream, personal isolation until you feel glacial; missing home or Mom.
Many are battling in the war zone of chronic illness or disability until they don't remember 'Normal' or what 'Me' means. Others struggle to adapt to new roles, positions, or homes; Millions are mourning the emptiness-crater a person's absence has created in their daily lives.
The poems within show "tilting" in its various forms, both literal and figurative. This collection includes poetry ranging from free verse to modern Japanese traditions (all written in English) including haiku, senryu, tanka, rengay, and haibun. Why free verse and haiku / Japanese forms? Free verse represents the years and stages while haiku expresses the snapshot moments.
Cover Photo Credit: Shutterstock, Inc., Chekmarev Pavel