Divine favor may not come by credits or your credentials but by divine accreditation. It is a case of a- nobody, Virgin Mary made somebody even from the human induced controversy of her virginity to be highly favored, best and blessed among women to give birth to the savior of the whole world. She was included in the business of the favor of God. Favor they say is not fair or is deceitful (Prov. 31:30) but here it is just because it is of divine choice. It is the act and art of God.
- Divine favor may not be by qualification or prerequisite. Divine favor is a case of a carpenter's son, Jesus Christ chosen to be the savior of the whole world. Salvation for all!
- Divine favor may not look fair to man but it is just before God for God hardened Pharaoh's heart just to prove his power. Divine favor is the case of a prisoner, Joseph going from prison to become a prime minister - from trials to triumph without being a free born, preparing a posterity for his people, who for your information sold him out.