Jules was amazing! She was beautiful, she was nice, she had that nice smile that made you feel better the second you saw it.
What she didn't know, is that she made a mistake. One that made her cross their paths. 20 of'em precisely.
Adriana, Ezra, Logan, Natalie, Jace, Harry, Betsy, Zayne, Ryan, Zoe, Maya, Leo, Hannah, Alexander, Paul, Maddy, Nora, Riley, Lucas, Sabrina and Douglas.
They all belonged to the same school. Some of them knew each other, others had no idea who each person was. But, one mystery will unite them, one mystery will create a friendship, a community. And that is Jules.
But that sounds too perfect doesn't it? Well there's more. What if we add complicated love stories, suicide or murders, dark secrets that need to remain untold?
That could make a good story. But we need more. We need clues. And letters. 20 of'em
Ahana!!! " she shouted seeing her friend taking her own life infront of her eyes , everything became numb around her
"The bride is changed" everyone gasped looking at varnika in the place of ahana
"Why you did it varnika? I thought you were my bestfriend" ahana shouted crying while varnika didnt had any reaction on her face nor had any word in her mouths
"I love you advet" she cried but he didn't care , he leave her broken
" Who are you ? There something that's still hidden. what is it ? We have met before right" she aksed from him but he didn't replied
"I love you varnika !" "But I don't" she replied with no emotion "
"I wasn't the one who was behind it !" Advet whispered in drunken voice
"Then who is the murderer?" Varnika asked from herself"