21 parts Ongoing Mingi, a young man with a heart tangled in the web of unspoken emotions, finds himself yearning for something more, in a small town filled with laughter and camaraderie. His gaze is fixed on Yunho, a friend whose presence lights up his world. Amidst the chaos of friendships, family, and the trials of growing up, Mingi embarks on a journey to confess his feelings. From seeking advice from quirky friends to navigating the intricacies of emotions, Mingi discovers that the path to love is as unpredictable as the twists and turns of his own heart.
Will chocolates and a heartfelt letter be enough to bridge the gap between friendship and something deeper?
Join Mingi as he navigates the rollercoaster of emotions, hoping to unveil a connection that transcends the label of 'friendship' in this charming tale of love, self-discovery, and the courage to confess.
©2022, ichinisan1-3, SummerRainboww