Sometimes you get confused, turned around and lost, but you still know exactly where you're going.
Skylar Jones always is flirtatious and flamboyant, right beside his reserved best friend Greg. When Skylar finds love, it's more complicated than it seems it should be, but he's determined to find the simple, purest form and help it blossom.
hate to ruin my intro with this, but if you don't know what bxb means, it means there's going to be some boy on boy action. If you know what i mean and it isn't your cup of tea, be gone! If you know what I mean and you pleasure yourself (to any degree) to that type of thing, read on! And if you have no idea what I mean, it means that two or more teenage boys will be penetrating each other. (not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate)
I'm gay. Some people hate that. I don't. I think. But I know a couple people who do. Hate me, that is. And I'm about ready to give up until I meet Blaine. I don't know why, but he stops me in my metaphorical downhill tracks. There's a little part of me that really, really wants to trust him, but my mind is backtracking hard. But I have so much to deal with, have dealt with so much, will deal with so much, that maybe it's time to let somebody deal with it with me. But does he want to? I want to believe he does, but the voices in my head tell me he doesn't. They're annoying sometimes. Maybe there's a chance he'll see me for who I am, which I don't know if anyone's ever done before. Maybe there's a chance I could be something close to happy. Maybe I owe it to myself to try.
**Featured on @FreeTheLGBT 's Coming of Age reading list**