The two Pro Heroes Present Mic and Eraser Head had finally gotten together. Their relationship was a secret to anyone but All Might and Principal Nezu. The introverted Shouta Aizawa preferred to keep it that way. But what happens when they end up adopting a five year old girl named (Y/N)? Aizawa's plan to keep their relationship a secret slowly broke apart as, the loud mouthed Hizashi Yamada would never take a second to think about what he was saying. He ended up spilling everything about their secret daughter. Needless to say, Shouta isn't happy with his husband. However, (Y/N) is a ray of sunshine. Keeping the men's chin's held high. Despite the truth being around in UA High School, the two put (Y/N) before anything. Raising her, throughout happy, sad, and traumatic times.All Rights Reserved