An entry for the scifi story competition. The prompt: ///It was a Friday like any other. The office looked bleak as ever, the coworkers as tired as to be expected. It was the last day of an exhausting work week. But then something happened, something that turned a boring day at the office into a science fiction adventure./// Some background I formation for the story. Not that important since it's so short: Set in 3026, England. The company the protagonist is working for is the Central Extra-terrestrial Exploration and Adaptation (CEEA) enterprise. The main focus of it's projects is to enable humans to travel to a different planet in the solar system or another star system once Earth will no longer be able to hold the human population. One of the main projects is the SVS (explained breifly in the story). The SVS (Swarm Virus Symbiote) is a virus recreated by humans in the form of a swarm of nanobots acting in unison to guest in a human or other organism of a similar structure and give them the ability to survive in extreme conditions, develop a intellect no normal human would typically possess and allow for the body to cope with speed-of-light travel. This is needed to allow humans to travel to, and safely inhabit another planet which may have an atmosphere and surface very different to that of the Earth. Origin of the SVS: Back in 3001, a space probe found evidence of life on a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system. Later a space mission was launched by CEEA and scientists discovered a race of hairy, humanoid creatures. Upon scanning and analysing data from a few of the life forms, it was discovered that they lived in symbiosis with a form of virus which allowed them to thrive in the cold conditions and thin air of the planet. Some data of the viris was taken back to Earth and using that data, a copy of the virus has been recreated multiple times using nano bots.All Rights Reserved