As a Teenage Girl I've cried, stressed, smiled, squealed, and screamed over lots of things. It's what I do. It's who I am. I'm a Teenage Girl. I love chocolate, I think anything tiny is cute, and I fangirl over every movie and book out there. But I'm also a Christian Girl...
This is for you Ladies out there that think no one understands. For those of you who are struggling. For those of you who just wish someone could help them. Someone who actually understands what you are going through. Why? Because I've been through this crazy thing called the life of a Teenage Girl and I can relate to everything you feel. I want to give you advice and encouragement to get you through this and to help you build your walk with God. Because ladies, it is so very important. Especially in your teenage years. Having God on your side is going to make life so much easier.
This is a Christian Community for all you Teenage Girls out there! Sharing Advice, Encouragement, Music(because what's life without music?❤️) And God.
YouAreNotAlone. YouAreWorthIt. You&God.