In a kingdom where magic is separated between two lands...Life isn't quiet. Kahleen learned that at a young age, but she didn't mind the occasional silence. She longed for her alone time, though it was highly unlikely. With all of her "royal responsibilities" as her mother called them, there wasn't much quiet. She was always busy with whatever she needed to do to fulfill her duties as the only heir to the throne. Kahleen wanted nothing more than to be away from all of the noise around her. The future queen of Belmera never pictured herself in a more dire situation where she craved noise above silence. Alone with only her thoughts, Kahleen sat alone, in the darkness, waiting to be rescued. As she sat in silence, Kahleen tried to recall how she had gotten herself into this mess. After all, being kidnapped does give you time to think.All Rights Reserved
In a kingdom where magic is separated between two lands...Life isn't quiet. Kahleen learned that at a young age, but she didn't mind the occasional silence. She longed for her alone time, though it was highly unlikely. With all of her "royal responsibilities" as her mother called them, there wasn't much quiet. She was always busy with whatever she needed to do to fulfill her duties as the only heir to the throne. Kahleen wanted nothing more than to be away from all of the noise around her. The future queen of Belmera never pictured herself in a more dire situation where she craved noise above silence. Alone with only her thoughts, Kahleen sat alone, in the darkness, waiting to be rescued. As she sat in silence, Kahleen tried to recall how she had gotten herself into this mess. After all, being kidnapped does give you time to think.