14 Kapitel Laufend What if Dragon and his lover were unable to properly. So they prayed to the gods to help them conceive a child. So the sea god, Poseidon, agreed to fulfill their wish, if and only if they allowed him to have partial custody if the child was a girl. Because, in his words. 'Even gods have dreams, mortals. Mine is to have a daughter of my own.' What if Luffy had a twin sister.
What if his twin sister wanted to make the world right. Wanted to be like her grandfather. Wanted to be a hero.
What if his sister's dreams were crushed? By one simple incident.
What if that incident didn't only rip away part of her soul. But changed her completely.
What if Luffy's twin cared for him a little too much, if she refuses to let him go.
What if she turns her back on her dream? To in force her own justice. To fulfill a dream not her own.
What if Luffy never gets to set sail, if Luffy dies only a year before he was to set sail.
So, throwing her own dreams out the window. She grabs his hat, she grabs his sandals, she grabs his earrings, his iconic red vest, his stupid ripped shorts. She replaces her own sun earring on her left side with his moon earring, then silently she places the objects in a box. Then turning around, looking to the sea. All except for that straw hat he loved so much. She throws it into the sea. Never to be seen again.
Turning her back on her own dream, she gets a new wardrobe. She replaces white with black, gold with silver, but she keeps her blue. She turns her back on the sun, on the light, and instead of fulfilling her own dream. She decides to fulfill her brother's dream. After all, she'd be damned if she let anyone but her brother sit on that throne. So if he can't, then she will.
But in the process, she loses her other half, loses her dream, and discards her first name. After all, in this cruel cruel world there is no justice, so... she'll become her own very own justice. She'll become a pirate. For Justice and Freedom to rescue those no one else will.