All the time you get complements but right after that you hear your skin color. Yeah, your skin is dark, but why should that matter. Every little statement that's made about you always has to have but she's darkskin. Ones beauty,personality, anything, shouldn't be jeopardized because of their skin color. Some people learn that the hard way, some people don't see that they're beautiful no matter what skin color they are... All events in this story is fictional. The names, people, and some places aren't real and aren't real people. This book is for enjoyment and reading purposes only. The events that take place in this story did not really happen in the place it resides, and these people do not actually exist. The book will have mistakes because I am not perfect and it will be edited sometime after the book is completed. Do not try to steal this story or make it your own thanks xoxoxo © Vida P. 2014-2015