Crackshipping a bit here. My Oc Kiran and Varian have been going out for a while. But Kiran try to break up with him, since Varian has become different and usually just care about his science projects. Kiran by chance meet another boy, Zach, ( @Accalia0The0Wolf 's OC ) that several times saves the blonde short boy from the bullies. Kiran is soon finding himself to be attracted by Zach, but he has a hard time detachibg himeself from Varian, and Varian on his side, can't accept the breakup, he even stalks Kiran as much as he can. Based in Modern Corona. Yes. Varian is sporting a Goth-look. But he's still a Science-nerd. Also he can't eat candy, if he does, he get a sugar-rush that make him act drunk.Todos los derechos reservados
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