The sirens started to whine causing my headache to feel like it was being split in two. I kept my face in stone cold fury as I tightened my grip on the worn leather of the old knife. I heard footsteps- no a stampede of them dash at me from behind as I took in a breath of air, that tainted air I once thought was so sweet. I turned back at the people who looked at me as if I was the monster and yelled to them, "SEE THE TRUTH! SEE REALITY! SEE YOURSELF!" Alys needs to break free from her, city-her world- her "district". Everything is "perfect" but she starts to realize things are off in her fairy tale dream. The dream where you are told what and who to be, born right into a mold. Higher ups choosing your name and what you will learn. Surrounded by guards every second she forms the Arrows. The truth seekers, the strays. And it all starts the movement- the revolution of their own broken road.All Rights Reserved
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