Adam and Ty confess their love for each other and after time, become married. After this big step in their life, they adopt a little girl - Danielle. When a few years have passed, their kingdom receives a big threat, and they fear for their little girl's life. So they call upon their close friends to keep her safe until the kingdom is safe for her. The threat, the war, though, seems never ending. This war won't go away, and decides to drag people into the danger. People who don't belong in the mess. Through bloodshed and battle, many more secrets come unraveled, leaving them with a big problem that they alone have the will to face. That they alone must face. But, when those you love become nothing more than a pawn in war, when they become a toy against their will, who could ever hold their emotions enough to be able to think rationally enough to set free the answers they've been dying for? To set free those dying for others to hide the answers? War seems to be never sparing, doesn't it?
9 parts