Soul: Tales of Snow White
10 Bagian Lengkap DewasaThe tale of Snow White has been told and has evolved throughout the ages. Now enter the world of Lemuria where the story is told yet again within a world filled with magic, fairy tale creatures and nursery rhyme characters ranging from Bloody Mary, Jack Horner, Jack Spriggins, Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty), Talia Carabosse (Wicked Fairy), Snow White (The Snow Queen), Rose Red (The Evil Queen), 'Doctor' Henry Foster, John Jacob 'Jingleheimer' Schmidt, Old Nory MacDonald, Peter Piper, Filip 'Poll' Parrot, Yon Yonson, Robin Redbreast, Goldilocks & the Three Bears, and much, much more. These are the Tales of Snow White and all those involved in her story.
This is the third installment to the Soul series franchise.