The Fake Girlfriend Effect
22 parti Completa Per adultiWhen she finds herself broken up with by her girlfriend of two years, energetic and outgoing seventeen-year-old Cassidy Reed doesn't know what to do with herself for the summer. Initially, Cassie's summer is spent forcing herself out of bed for work, eating ice cream and stalking her ex's social media, and crying in her step-dad's old JSU hoodie while listening to songs her and Tess used to love.
Then there's Katie. Seventeen-year-old Katie Lewis, a family friend who grew up with Cassie, was planning on spending her as she usually does; hanging out with her best friends (the Reed siblings), playing video games with Noah, pining over her other best friend Bella who she's liked for a few months now, and re-watching Pretty Little Liars with her dog Meatball- but everything changes the day she accidentally sends Bella-who's dating someone else, a text revealing her crush on her.
Now, Cassie and Katie, with a history of old feelings for each other, must team up and pretend to date to make Cassie's ex as miserable as her, and to convince an otherwise skeptical Bella that Katie doesn't like her; but somewhere in that process? Old feelings begin to bubble and resurface.