Most emotions are pretty brief, they appear suddenly and vanish ...
I really can't share my feelings with others unless I share the cause of those feelings with them. Most of these Senryu/Haiku poems present dramatic moments in my life, tiny mental photographs of them. Someone could be reading this a hundred years from now and share that exact experience with me (long gone). When I compose a Senryu/Haiku poem, I am basically saying that it's hard to tell you what I'm feeling, but maybe if I share the event that caused the feeling for me, you might realize you have similar feelings of your own, and there is no better way to share feelings in my opinion.
I have added comments after every poem, I know this is an unusual practice, but I felt it would bring a different reading experience to this form of poetry, sort of like a "director's" commentary track in a film.
I hope you enjoy this small selection!