As a child of seven years old, Jasper could recall wondering why the world was so dull and ashen, while others described it as beautifully blue or flourishing green. Color to him had many names, yellow, rose, auburn, orange, blue, violet, and the occasional rainbow. Yet what he saw, matched sullen a color but a shade, in particular, he knew all too well as grey.
Years passed and he entered into his teens when his fifteen-year-old self contemplated still, on why he was so different from those around him. Still, he only saw in the bland shades of white and black with the in-between of different grey's, although he had learned that colors as others called them, had significantly different textures that differentiated each from the other. Jasper took up writing as a constant daily and engrossed himself in it. With every thought he painted a page, with every dream he wrote a novel and with every wish, he sang a poet's song with the sound of a pencil on a page.
Jasper continued to search for a reason to his uniqueness and still, now the age of nineteen and his last year of high school, his bullet list of questions remained unanswered. That was until he met the boy with blue eyes.
Ray is low on time, luck, and hope; his only chance is an artifact that may not even exist. But upon meeting Landon, Ray is beginning to believe he might find all four.
Cambions are doomed to tragedy. They are weak, sickly creatures that rarely live to see their twentieth year. Ray refuses to resign himself to that fate. Upon learning of the Crimson Sheath-an artifact capable of preserving his life-Ray is prepared to fight, steal, and kill to get his hands on it. He is not prepared for Landon. Landon is an orphan with no memories of his parents, the only inheritance left to him a dagger, sleeping in a crimson sheath. Though he has no love of bloodshed and no use for a dagger, Landon isn't about to let Ray take his only link to his forgotten history, even if that means following the cambion past the edge of the world and into the shadow beyond.
Content Warnings: Violence, semi-graphic gore, character deaths, profanity, mild drug and alcohol usage, abuse discussed but not shown, and morally-questionable people doing morally-questionable things.