In the year 2930, in a dystopian world where a machine, an extremely developed program takes over the world, making the entire population drop on their knees.
There is no more famine in the world; everyone has access to health and school. But there are still poor and rich, honest and dishonest, the controllers and the controlled.
No one goes unsurveilled; no one goes unnoticed by the machine, the program. It knows what everyone's doing, where they are, who they are, where they live, every day and every second of their lives.
Lilya Xander lives in this dystopian world where no one has privacy. There are cameras wherever she goes: cafe, school, streets, shops, her home, even her bathroom. She is used to living in a controlled, zero privacy life. She has no parents, lives on her own, barely surviving each passing day in the city of the future.
What will happen when those cameras aren't just looking at her for control, what if it's something else?
None of the pictures I use are mine unless I explicitly say so. If any of the pictures I use is yours and you want me to take them down, please send me a message, and I will take if off gladly.
Highest Ranking:
#1 utopia
#1 computer
When Naruto turns 12, everything he wanted will come true and when she meets Hinata, will she be the one?
Read and find out.
*Disclaimer: I don't own the characters (Masashi Kishimoto does) but the plot is my idea.