Hey guys! So, I looked at Tanzi's page, and I saw that she had a Choose Your Own Adventure, which had gotten so much attention! I played, and it was super good! So, I want to try to make my own, with different characters, and a new scenario.
You have decided to re-read your favorite book. (It must be one of the books listed, but you guys can comment on additions to the selection.) But, instead of starting to read, the book has sucked you in, and you are now in someone's skin, (character of your choice, same as above, comment!) and must complete the story. Only once you get to the end, may you leave the book. If you die, game over.
Know that was super long, I apologize. I'm just super stoked for this book! Hope you guys enjoy, because this is a whole different style than I'm used to. Well, enjoy!
-Luna :3
*NOTE: This is open for the start, but you will eventually hit a barrier where you can't continue any longer until my book is finished! Please be patient for the final product! :3*