6 parts Ongoing In a universe where gods and Guardians once maintained cosmic balance, twelve individuals are drawn into a battle that spans across time and space. After witnessing a meteorite crash to Earth, they discover it holds the spirits of the Twelve Zodiac Guardians-celestial beings who once governed the balance of light and darkness.
For eons, the Guardians preserved cosmic order, but an internal conflict shattered their realm, scattering their powers across the stars. Now, the chosen twelve must inherit the Guardians' abilities and confront the chaos that threatens the universe. As they struggle to understand their newfound powers, they face deeper questions: What led to the Guardians' fall? What ancient force now threatens all existence?
Zodiac Quest: The Circle of Twelve explores unity, identity, and the battle between order and chaos. Through rich mythology and character-driven drama, the story unravels the mysteries of the cosmos, asking what it means to wield power, face inner demons, and fulfill one's destiny. Together, the twelve must restore balance to the universe or risk everything being consumed by darkness.