Sasha's favorite actor vanishes. Everything - his movies, TV shows, media presence, and his very existence - evaporates from every memory but hers. Soon after, she receives a set of mysterious instructions from her best friend, Ray...and then he vanishes, too. The people responsible for his disappearance swiftly target Sasha. As shadowy pursuers and incomprehensible monstrosities close in, it becomes apparent that Sasha's only chance of survival is Ray's chilling instructions: 1. Walk into a train station at exactly 11:01 PM 2. Buy a ticket from the second window from the left. Don't tell him your destination. Only say: "One for the 11:31" 3. If the ticket seller starts calling you, ignore him 4. If he says your name before the train comes, leave the station immediately 5. Don't give your ticket away, no matter what 6. When the train comes, board quickly and don't speak to anyone 7. Wait until the sun comes up, then get off at the fifth stop after sunrise 8. DO NOT GET OFF BEFORE 9. DO NOT MISS YOUR STOP I'll be there waiting for you