Brian and Justin have been together for seventeen years, well, more or less: seventeen years have passed since the night of their meeting, the one in which Gus, the son of Brian and his friend Lindsey, was born and since then they have been on and off regularly.
Gus, however, is willing to do anything for his relationship to be as smooth as silk, but he has just moved to Pittsburgh and the only thing he is sure of is that life is a mess and this, in essence, is the only thing on which father and son agree.
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
This story was originally written in Italian and published on the "EFP fanfiction" website in 2016.
I thank Lorie for correcting the translation, allowing me to publish it here as well.
Without her help, you would have found many errors, inaccuracies and ways of saying that in English make no sense.
Not to mention the pronouns I had lost along the way.
Tech week is finally here, and with a new student director, the cast and crew of South Point High are ready to spectate something blooming, even when it seems like spring is nowhere to be found.
#14 on the #logicality 7-9-20
#17 on the #logicality 5-31-20
I miss musical season and freaking out in the light booth so I made this. The first two chapters' GIFs were found from google so if they're yours DM me for credit