Hey guys, I'm trying something new! In case you don't know, an anthology a collection of different stories, poems, and other things. In some ways, it's kinda like a series of comic books. One might be focused on a hero, or another could be from the perspective of a villain. Some could even be from a neutral observer's point of view. Some of these are based on random thoughts, some are based on some characters of mine, and some are based off of weird dreams I've had. Of course, small parts are added on to some stories. This is only because I enjoy writing a full story, even if some end in cliffhangers. I either plan to add more later or continue it in another chapter. Okay, now it's time for the disclaimers. Some of these stories might be a bit gross, scary, or horrific. Some of them might give you a small existential crisis if you are prone to thinking about things too much. Some stories can be silly, serious, or both. Because of this, I'll be sure to include something that signifies whether or not something might be what I consider goofy or disturbing. I'll make this next part clear in case no one understood earlier. THESE STORIES ARE NOT REAL. Even if some of the factors are based on facts or scientific theories, they are not (and hopefully will never be) true. These stories are not meant to encourage violence or anything like that. If I need any more disclaimers, please inform me in the comments respectfully. With all of that out of the way, let's get to our first story of many.
"I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head.
They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead.
And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head.
They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead."
Song: Control, by Halsey