Hi! And welcome to my Wattpad blog about writing! 💻📓✍️☕️📚🤓
If you're a writer, this book is for you!
If you kind of sort of want to be a writer, but you're not quite ready to put it out there, this book is for you!
If you're a reader who wants to know more about the craft, job, and life of writing, this book is for you!
Are you picking up a theme? Of course you are! I'm writing this book for the Wattpad community. But I'm also writing this book *with* the Wattpad community.
What do I mean by that?
Well, like the title says, I want you to ask me anything about writing.
Plotter or pantser?
Coffee or tea?
Quiet workspace, or noisy cafe?
Send your ❓ questions ❓ to my inbox, or just drop them in the comments. Or hit me up on Twitter. I'm @mestrin.
You have questions, I have answers. That's the motto here at AMA About Writing.
*Good answers not guaranteed.
**Funny answers are a possibility.