*Knock knock* It's child services open up ! I looked at my older brother as if asking should we open the door. He looked at me shrugged his shoulders and open the door a women walked in with a suit and a police officer behind her she asked if our mother was home. I ran off to get my mama. I walked in and tapped my mama. She was sleeping on the mattress on the floor in the our one bedroom apartment. She asked what did I want I told her the police were here and wanted to talk to her she hopped up and ran to the front the lady and my mama started to talk before long my mama started to scream. The lady told my mom we were not in a stable environment as she grabbed me and my brother. We fought against her she started to lose her grip but the police officer came and got my brother as the lady held me walking out of the house. I screamed for my mama while she screamed for us more officers came and held her back they stuck me in a car with locked doors so I couldn't escaped I looked out the window to see my mother still crying and screaming trying to get to me. I banged on the window with tears streaming down my face as I screamed "mama!". I was taken from my home.
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