A lone adventurers finds himself facing darkness and evil, the fame and glory drove him to his biggest bounty yet, a creature of black smoke, looming in the shadowy mountain, never one to refuse an offer, he snapped at the opportunity, taking part in the biggest battle of his life, one which would prove too much for him.
Awakening, finding himself returning from the dead, he arrives in a world in chaos and war, far from the world he left behind, he may have been a hero in life, but in death he'll have to save the world whatever the cost, as he soon discover, he isn't the only thing coming back.
This book is sorta more a pet project for me, so I don't really have super accurate release dates, but I will aim to post on the first of every month!
Destinata a venir uccisa dopo le nozze dal marito e l'amante di lui, Dominique divorzia dal proprio fiancé e si risposa velocemente con il cattivo secondario della storia. Trasferitasi al di fuori del regno per vivere serena con il suo "avventuriere" marito, Dominique scopre velocemente di aver appena causato una grossa crisi politica, il motivo? Ha appena sposato un Imperatore molto vendicativo e possessivo... -Stesso universo di Game of War