Genre: Dystopia Synopsis: A world where people have to give up their children to The D.A.R.K (The Disease Archive Research Keepers) once their children turn 16. No one sees the children sent ever again. Our protagonist Lainy Houston wants to survive this and find a way to get back home once her 16th birthday rolls around. The children taken are put through rigorous tests to help keep the archives up to date. Only the rich and famous get these cures. Lainy and group of others who are in the same cell group rebel and attempt to save the others trapped there. What happens when she find love? What will happen when she finds out that her and those around her could have an illness that could kill them if they don't comply and get the cure? Who has the illness? Who doesn't? But how much is she willing to give to get the freedom and lives back of her generation? The real question is...What is she ready to loose? [Original Idea created by me for my media coursework. All characters and ideas belong to me]All Rights Reserved
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