In the world of Super Paper Mario, the four heroes of the Light Prognosticus defeated Super Dimentio, a fusion of a brain washed Luigi, the Chaos Heart and the master of dimensions himself, Dimentio. However Dimentio left behind a shadow of his power in order to continue controlling the Chaos Heart for long enough to ensure the destruction of all worlds. In order to seal away the Chaos Heart for good, the once evil Count Bleck, now named Blumiere and the love of his life Lady Timpani used their love and the power of the eight Pure Hearts. After that Blumiere and Timpani vanished without a trace, the Pure Hearts disappeared, and the Chaos Heart was gone forever, and with them both books of the prophecies disappeared with them. Or so it was believed. RWBY BELONGS TO ROOSTER TEETH SUPER PAPER MARIO BELONGS TO NINTENDO ALL PICTURES USED BELONG TO THEIR CREATORS, NOT ME I ONLY OWN THIS STORY AND THE CHARACTER NAMED DANIEL