One dead. One sedated. One awake. The risks were simple. If anything were to have gone wrong, the entire lab was to be decommissioned. The entire project terminated. All personal included, no loose ends. - - - - Director, it's Dr Prescott. I've just examined a patient with -well, I've never seen anything like it. It's some kind of unknown specimen. I did a check on the blood we pulled from the transport and it's all negative. There's nothing registered under it in the database. Do you know anything about this? I have no idea what Sinclair and his men were doingshould have been placed into quarantine before my team was allowed to see it. The specimen is completely unknown which a risk to everyone on the base. I know you said that we have to Priority One but I can't protect the specimen and maintain quarantine all the information. The specimen is in the examination room. Get down here. Now. - - - - Prequel | Ten Parts | Science Fiction Second Place Winner: Hidden Gem Awards 2020 Currently being expanded into a full length novel. Coming soon!All Rights Reserved