"Time changes people. Hardships change people for the bettter or worse. Whether you let the bad incidents change you into a cold hearted, mean, reserved person or into a sympathetic, understanding, loving, better person is entirely your choice. Don't let the negativity of the world affect your positivity. Don't let the darkness of the cruel world taint your beautiful soul, Ameerah. Stay strong". He spoke gently, staring intently at me.
I gazed at the rising sun in front of us, pondering over his wise words. His words hit me like the dawn, showing me the light after a dark night. I'd needed this. I needed this piece of advise and I was thankful that he was here to remind me and support me. Right then and there, I decided that I would try, really try with all my heart to be a better person, a better Muslimah.
Ameera Zehbaan is a 17 year old Indian Muslim, highly intellectual, smart and sweet .
But she's also short tempered, sarcastic and very recklessly naughty, playing pranks and cracking jokes.
Read what happens throughout her high school journey, dealing with homeworks, teachers, friends, boys, enemies all in all total teenage drama and what not.
Growing up in the west is anything but easy for the teenage Muslim Ameerah Hasaan where she is constantly questioned and bullied because of her hijab (headscarf) by her peers and neighborhood acquaintances. And if that is not enough, Ameerah is confused by her parents controversial views on the hijab, her mom Aidah strongly believes in the importance of the hijab and that it protects the Muslim girls, however, Ameerah's dad although he grew up in a very conservative Lebanese society, fails to see the importance and benefits of the hijab and advises his daughter to take it off so that a burden will be lifted off Ameerah's back.
Can Ameerah wear her hijab?