When three little girls get their acceptance letter from Hogwarts, they didn't expect so much chaos. Bubbles is in Hufflepuff now, obviously, and it seems she's stuck in a love triangle. Buttercup is in Gryffindor and needs to prove herself to the rest. And Blossom? Well she's here questioning why she's in Slytherin and learning how to become a leader, the hard way.
The Puffs are in Hogwarts now, and they need to worry about house rivalries, family fueds, a two faced teacher, and three boys who like to make them miserable.
The Powerpuff girls and The Rowdyruff boys are meant to be against each other because they are on two different sides; good and evil. In between every fight, they grow closer together, and soon enough the rowdy ruff boys rebel from the evil side...what will happen next?