This is an original story based on a character i made named Luna Star Celestial, she has a brother named Alex Flare Celestial, a mother named Solaris Celestial and a father named Eclipse Celestial. Luna is the princess of the night in her dimension and her brother, Alex, the prince of the day. Luna controls everything that has to do with dark. The night sky, demons, spirits, shadows all that good stuff. Alex controls the day time and all good in the world, basically the opposite of what Luna can do. Together they control their universe. But one day, everything changes and their Uncle, Amenaza, attacks trying to take the throne from their parents. Solaris and Eclipse send them to a different dimension so they remain safe. Luna being 7 at the time tells her younger brother the story as she raises him and trains him in all the ways her father taught her before they were left. They even make new moves and learn different things about their powers along the way. At age 19 ,still in the used to be foreign dimension, she meets someone. Someone that makes her feel a way that she hates and both loves at the same time. What will happen during this time of her being vulnerable to someone? Will this new person be dragged into her mess? Will she ever see her parents again? Well its your choice to find out... Hi! Im TheLunarProductions here and i want to say thank you for checking this out. My character Luna was inspired by the mlp series Luna but with different aspects and a different personality. I accept requests/ideas for future chapters, you may make stories following this but please give me credit and put a link going to my story. Please enjoy reading!All Rights Reserved
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