-Player 1-
User: Michael Mell
Info: Male, Loner, Stoner, Rides A PT Cruiser, Pac-Man Tattoo, Has Two Moms, Gay
Strengths: Jeremy, Retro Games, Getting Stoned His Basement
Weaknesses: Jeremy Not Loving him, Jeremy Being Too Cool For Him, Anxiety
-Player 2-
User: Jeremy Heere
Info: Male, Loner, Pac-Man Tattoo, Bisexual
Strengths: Michael, Retro Games, His Squip
Weaknesses: Michael Not Being His Friend, His Squip
-Player 3-
User: Squip
Info: Female, Upgraded, Has Emotions, Improved, Can Have A Physical Form
Strengths: Mtn. Dew Voltage (Blue), Control, Finishing Goals
Weaknesses: Mtn. Dew Red, Alcohol, Very Emotional Situations
Michael Mell is a very lonely kid he only had one best friend in the entire world until he took a squip Michael tryed warning Jeremy about it but Jeremy would not give it up and now he's on his own until one day he walks in the woods and meet someone he never thought he would
Michael will not have much of a part until Michael in the bathroom because I want this to be as accurate to the musical and book as possible!
But after Michael in the bathroom it's all him