It was a dark, so dark in fact. that in Ainsely's room he couldn't make out his arm that held his five digets. he had been in this dark room for so long he was beginning to forget what the outside looked like. all of a sudden his door cell number #284-827 was opened. to males with a straight jacked walked in, before the other could say anything he was put in the straight jacket and a muzzle was sat on his face. the owner of the building chuckled " You little shit." he said. the headmaster laughed as he pushed the other out if the cell "Time to get out!"he laughed, obviously lying. he took him to his office and he threw him into the room, he kicked him around and then proceeded to take off his pants. The obviously taller Male took off the shorter males pants and he proceeded to rape him. in between each noise the taller male made the smaller one whined and cried through the mask. when the headmaster was satisfied and told the guards to through him into his cell. they did so and he cried, hiccuping through each blood curdling cry. the next day his mask was off and the straight jacket was off aswell. he had dug his sharp nails into his thighs causing a generous amount of blood, he got up off of his bed and he wobbled a bit. his body trembled as he fell to the ground.. All of a sudden. a soft spoken voice came from the barred window of his cell, it was outside too. " hey.. what happened...?"he asked. the creature. built from head to toe of nature. he brought a vine into the room. it sprouted a beautiful tiger lily "I'm sorry I ca-nt help you as of now.. but soon" he said. he dropped the flower into the others hand. Ainsley sniffled as this happened. he took the flower and smelled it. he sighed and looked out of the window.. no one was there anymore. he sighed softly and hugged himself, gently whispering "it's going to be alright ainsley.. I love you" he recited from what his sister used to say before she passed away due to breast cancer.All Rights Reserved