In a town where death remains a mystery, and burial is an utter secret. Those who walk along the wrong path, shall feel his presence. An angry presence. He's gone, but he's everywhere. - "Somebody's out there!" "How do you know it's a person?" "Because nature doesn't commit these vile acts." The scene's tension lingered. The rain tapped along the raincoats of those who stood beneath the oak tree in the middle of Norwich, Pennsylvania. They were at a secluded park. Nothing but trees and rain. The rain and soft breathing from the other individuals were all that could be heard. The occasional pounding of one's heart could be heard by the human ear. The squishing dirt beneath the weight of another was heard from a couple miles away. The mud oozed upward in between the toes of whomever the person had been. The rain poured along the grass, creating a mist that was difficult to see past. A dark figure appeared beyond the mist. The figure of a man. He stood there, menacingly. He wanted something. The itching look of his fingertips provided a clear answer that this man didn't come to play a game of hide 'n' seek, but came to play manhunt. - She didn't want to believe he was capable of these vile acts, for she had been blinded by his love. - **WARNING** Contains sexual/mature scenes, strong language, extreme graphic violence and some self harm. Read at your own risk. Copyright © All Rights Reserved