Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love, beauty and harmony. She is also known as Ourania in Her more cosmic form, in myth, the daughter of Ouranus and Thalassa, the sea, who was born from the sea when Ouronus's genitals fell in the sea, when he was castrated by Kronos. This makes Her one tf the elder Gods. She also has an even older, more cosmic form, in that She is called in the Orphic Hymn "mother of Anangke". Anangke (Necessity) and Chronos (Time) were the first Gods, depicted as two great cosmic serpents, emerging from the Unutterable Principle. The could be read as saying that Aphrodite is in fact that which came before the first Gods, the primal source of all. Like the Egyptian Isis, She is all that is and was and ever shall be, veiled and unveiled. "apparent and unseen" as also says Her Orphic Hymn.