Most people agree that drinking alone is both the saddest, and at times most effective way to drown out life. And that's exactly what Ryann did, drink alone. That was until she met.. him. Her favorite drinking partner, whom gained the affectionate nickname of 'baby blue'. In part because every time they met one of them, if not both got too shitfaced to remember much of anything, including names. But mostly because of his eyes, which were, in Ryann's opinion, a blue like no other. Perfectly cold like ice, yet warm like the crystal waters of a beach. She could never mistake those eyes. He was a man of many mysteries though, giving nothing but the name 'John', no last name, never eluding to his past, his family, or how he had so much damn money. He never explained why he had so many tattoos, or why he was so hollow.. Ryann didn't mind too much though, because at least she wasn't alone. But like everything, that didn't last for long. One day John just stopped showing up at the bar, Everyone said he had family business. Drinking alone doesn't always drown out life though, and at some point you have to pick yourself up, and at the age 22 that's what Ryann decided to do. Joining the police academy, and working up to a deputy. It was fun, adrenaline inducing, and such a filler of time, it drowned everything out. But how much is too much? Obviously Ryann didn't get the memo, and dove head first into a mission she knew nothing about, one that lead her to cult, and to someone she though she had long lost.
(Sorry for the shitty description, I'm not too good at them. Yes this is a FC5 fic. I'm bored and I had an idea, let's see how it goes. There is a name I've chosen, because i don't want to constantly type (y/n) but anything you want to change about her, go ahead. I'm just gonna model it myself for the most part though. This is mostly JohnXFem!Dep, but if there's anything else you want to see let me know)
@chaosisdelightful don't judge me. I can feel you. Stop.
... that changes everything
Sarah was starting her junior year of high school. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw a pretty average blonde haired, blue eyed, teenager. She was neither in the popular group, nor one of the many cliched outsiders. Sarah was a nobody. She liked to blend in and lay low. It was her way out of not only this town, but her house. No one knew it, but her father was a high functioning alcoholic that often took his anger out on his family. With her older sister now in college, it had turned to her more often. Laying low in general was a good strategy.
Across town, Ryan was prepping for his final year in high school. While he wasn't the stereotypical quarterback of the football team, he did fit into the popular crowd. His sports of choice included basketball and soccer, either of which might line him up for a scholarship next year. Ryan had a group of close friends and a lot of adoring acquaintances. It wasn't easy juggling his athletics and keeping the grades up, but he was just that good. The supporting parents didn't hurt either.
It might be a cliché romance, but it will be fun to see what the year and beyond holds.
This is a story I wrote years ago, or at least partially wrote. As I transcribe it here, I have tried to update it a bit and give the characters/story more depth than what I had when I was younger. Hopefully it all gets pulled together!