A novella describes a possible transcendental life of spiritual ecology in the tradition of Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist and Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha.
A man and a woman do no more than find each other and set out to contrive a life together. But in this process, they come to live by an obscure river, and gradually open a luminous gateway into the very best of life. The natural events occurring in season after season and graceful provocations from the Old Boss, a river-keeper, kindle an awakening.
The central protagonists-He and She-are presented without detailed characterization. Because of who they ultimately are, just as you and I, she and he might have a thousand true names--something akin to names such as "Bright Water" (Chosin*) or "Cloud Gate" (Yun Men**) or "True Emptiness" (Chan Kong***) or "Clear Mirror" (Kyong Ho****).
Our view is so very small. Ordinary reality is an expression of a very real, extraordinary super-reality. Our true home is to be found in the landscape that designs us.
*Japanese **Chinese ***Vietnamese ****Korean
In a time of possible coming ecocide, The River Keepers is a novella that explores the grace that persists in wildness both within and without. Lance Kinseth has published creative nonfiction essays in literary magazines, and a book-length collection of essays. For "Homing," The North American Review, 272(4), Dec, 1987, pp. 10-19, Editor Robley Wilson wrote, "...a long and keenly observed essay on Nature, by Lance Kinseth. It has been a while since we were fortunate enough to print so sensitive a praise of River, of Earth, of Sun." For River Eternal: The Wonder of Common and Ashen Days Alongside a Prairie River. New York: Viking, 1989, Barry Lopez wrote, "In River Eternal, Lance Kinseth has built an elegant bridge between nature and culture. His vision is liberating, his ideas fresh, his language clean and beautiful. This is wondrous, invigorating, and humane work."
Hide and Seek - part 7 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems
50 chapitres Terminé
50 chapitres
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually part 7 of the Book titled - Hide and Seek - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems ( 702 pages ) . Parekh's earliest collection of verse. Written in unparallelled fervor, this collection is a delectable blend of topics from love to death, probing into countless infinitesimal aspects of existence which make a significant impact to it. The beauty of this compendium lies in its magical brevity at places and in the most mundane things of life around us brought to the fore like a magicians wand, in brilliant poetic flair by Parekh. Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing-but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around. A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache.
This book tingles every living being's imagination to fantasize beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.